Innate-Nativist Theories

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Innate/Nativist Theories -Theorists such as Noam Chomsky believe that humans have a natural and universal ability to acquire language. The theory of universal grammar refers to young children knowing syntactic structure without learning it, therefore the ability to acquire grammar and language unconsciously. Furthermore, diversity is apparent primarily in specific phonological, semantic, syntactic and pragmatic features of multiple languages. However, children from different language contexts achieve milestones at similar ages. - As I was baby-sitting young children, I realised that the child was using telegraphic speech [short grammatically incorrect sentences (McDevvitt, T. Ormrod, J. Cupit, G. Chandler, M. Aloa, V.)]. She used telegraphic speech to state or demand for things in her surroundings such as ‘pretty bird’. Information Processing Theories -Children pay close attention to linguistic characteristics e.g. acoustics and articulatory particularities, which define the phonological organisation of speech. In addition, this means that they are able to distinguish between human ...

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