Ink Alley Research Paper

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On the night of October 1, 1910 at 1:07 a.m., the Los Angeles Times building in Los Angeles, California was attacked by two brothers, James B. McNamara (“J.B.”) and John J. McNamara (“J.J.”). J.B. left a suitcase of dynamite next to barrels of flammable printer ink in the “Ink Alley”, a narrow alley in between the main Times building and the Times annex. The dynamite had a detonator connected to a windup clock, which was set to explode at 1 a.m. He also left bombs, similar to those in the “Ink Alley”, that were also set to explode ay 1 a.m. next to Times publisher Harrison Gray Otis’ home and the secretary of MMA Felix Zeehandelaar’s home. The bomb went off at 1:07 a.m. outside the three-story Los Angeles Times Building, causing the side of

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