Inglourious Basterds: Tarantino

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Tarantino is known for his unconventional hits like Pulp Fiction, and Kill Bill—Inglourious Basterds is no exception. Set in 1941, during the World War II German occupation of France, Inglourious Basterds gives an entertaining and fictional alternate story to the end of the war. The storyline follows three main journeys: Colonel Hans Landa and his efforts to run all Jews out of France, Lieutenant Aldo Raine and his “Basterds” (a group of Jewish-American soldiers) and their mission to assassinate Hitler and his Third Reich officers, and Shosanna Dreyfus who plans to burn a cinema full of Nazi officials. These journeys eventually converge in an unpredictable ending. Inglourious Basterds is the embodiment of Tarantino’s amazing ability to fuse engaging dialogue, melodramatic violence, fascinating characters, and his signature style into one unforgettable film. (The following text contains major spoilers)
From the moment Col. Hans Landa (Christoph Waltz) appears on screen as the charismatic, yet cold-blooded “Jew Hunter”, it …show more content…

Col. Hans Landa should be hated as the “Jew Hunter,” but his cosmopolitan charm and good looks make him the irresistible spotlight of the film. Waltz played this role so well that he was instrumental in the film’s success. In an interview by Michael Fleming of Variety, Tarantino said “...I don’t want to make this movie if I can’t find the perfect Landa, I’d rather just publish the script than make a movie where this character would be less than he was on the page. When Christoph came in and read the next day, he gave me my movie back.” Lt. Raine, played by Brad Pitt, also played a large role in the film’s success. In the closing line of the film, he states “This may just be my masterpiece,” symbolically speaking for Tarantino himself, as he carves a swastika into the forehead of Col.

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