Informative Vs Persuasive Speech

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1. What is the difference between informative and persuasive speeches? Informative speaches, are speaches used to communicate information to the audience, for them to better understand a topic as well as remember concepts from the speech. Persuasive speaches, is a speech when you are trying to make the audience agree with what you are saying. You are persuading them to agree with your point of view. 2. How can you avoid having an informative speech that ends up actually being a persuasive speech? Be objective, focuse on the information and not your bias. Make sure the information is given in a clear mannar and avoid placing your own beliefes or staking information in a manner that would lead the listener down a certain path. 3. …show more content…

What are the five goals of informative speaking, and what are the strategies that accompany each goal. Accurate, Strive to be truthful. Objective, Present information fairly and unbiased. Clear, Present information in a non confusing manner, that can be understood. a. Define unfamiliare words and concepts, make sure to explane words and concepts that may not be familiar with your audience. b. Carfully organize your message, arange your speech ion a way that is clear and relavant. Meaningful, Making sure what you are speaking about matters to you and your audience. a. Consider the setting, always take into account the setting where the speech is going to be held. This can give you a better understanding of the audience and what information you should provide. b. Avoid information overload, make sure your speech does not give the audience to much to handle. It is your job to make sure the audience can understand what you are talking about, but also not to give them so much they will not be able to retain information. Memorable, Make a speech that is euthusiastic and genuine to make a long standing memory for your

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