Informative Speech Outline On Autism

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Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about autism and how it is not linked to vaccines.
Thesis Statement: Autism spectrum disorder impacts many people’s lives, but what many people don’t know is that vaccines do not create this disorder.
I. Attention Getter: About 40 % of people with autism do not speak. 25-35% of children with autism have some words at the age of 12-18 months and then they lose those words. Some autistic children might speak, but not until later in childhood. (“Autism Fact Sheet”, 2014)
II. Credibility statement: After intensive research, I am able to give a speech about autism and how it is not linked to vaccines.
III. Related topic to audience: 1 in every 68 children is affected by autism spectrum disorder …show more content…

I. Main Point 1: Autism is a neurological development disorder that generally appears at the age of three. (“Autism Fact Sheet”, 2014)
A. Throughout its history, autism has been largely misunderstood and defined trough several studies.
1. In 1911, Eugen Bleuler, a Swiss psychiatrist refer to autism as one group of symptoms of schizophrenia. (“Autism Spectrum Disorder”, 2014)
2. Then in the 1940’s researchers in the US began to use the term autism to describe children with emotional or social problems (“Autism Spectrum Disorder”, 2014)
B. There are multiple symptoms for autism, but there are a few big ones.
1. Children who are autistic have difficulty engaging in day to day interactions. When they are older, they have difficulty sharing and playing games with other children. They also prefer to play alone. (“Symptoms”, 2014)
2. Another thing that children with autism do is that they have repetitive behaviors. This is can include hand-flapping, rocking or repeating phrases. This could be due to change in the schedule. The change is very stressful them. (“Symptoms”, …show more content…

Some scientist think that a person who is pregnant and is by a lot of environmental toxins, it can cause autism. (“Cause of Autism”, 2014)
b. Another idea, is that vaccines cause autism. People think that something in vaccines causes the child to develop autism. (“Cause of Autism”, 2014)

Transition: Now that I have told you about autism, I will now tell you how autism is not linked to autism.
II. Main Point 2: Autism has been around for a long time and there have been many studies to try and figure out the cause, one of the studies is in vaccination.
A. There are many reason why people think that vaccines cause autism. Here are a few reasons why.
1. One of the reasons why people think that autism is caused by vaccines is because the vaccines use fetal cells in them. This causes people to believe that the fetal cells contain DNA fragments, which would make it an autoimmune response. (Devine, 2014)
2. Another reason why people think that process of gene insertion. The insertion may have leave DNA fragments and then the child’s DNA picks them and puts it in it. (Devine, 2014)
B. While, these seem like good reasons why, there are many studies disproving this theory.
1. One of the vaccines that people think that autism is connected to has Thimerosal in

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