Informative Speech On Skin Ulcers

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Normally we hear that the transplant of skin are made for people that need a skin cancer surgery, but today I’m going to present this type of transplant from the point of view of other disease, the ulcers. A skin ulcer is a type of wound that develops in the skin. We know three types of ulcers that can lead into a point that is needed a sking graft; venous skin ulcer, pressure ulcer and the diabetic ulcer. The first one, the venous skin ulcer is a shallow wound that occurs when the leg veins don’t return blood back towards the heart the way they should, this is called venous insuffiency. They are caused by a poor blood circulation, and can lead into a breakdown of the tissue and ulcer. These usually form above the ankle, bellow the calf and on the lower leg. There are some factors that can increase the risk of having them, like: obesity, lack of physical activity, smoking or a work that requires many hours standing. The first sign of having this disease is that the skin turns purple or dark red, and also thick and dry. The second type is the pressure ulcer, it is an area of the skin that breaks down when something keeps pressing against it. The blood flow reduce and it don’t reach this area of the skin, making it to die. This …show more content…

The nerve damage causes the loss of feeling in your feet, which make’s difficult to detect an injury. And the poor circulation of blood, makes more difficult to heal the ulcer. A treatment to heal a diabetic ulcer has to take care of three issues; debridement, offloading and infection control. Debridement consists on the removal of necrotic tissue, after this the risk of infection decrease. Making patients to go on a wheelchair to completely halt weight bearing of the food is one of the most effective methods of offloading of the foot. And the last one, infection control, patients with this type of wound should be hospitalized and treated with intravenous

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