Informative Speech On Pancreatic Cancer

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Cancer is caused by an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in a part of the body. Cancer can occur when there is no longer a balance between dividing and dying cells. The tissue can start to grow to form a tumour made up of abnormally growing and dividing cells. Cancer cells start to divide uncontrollably. The causes of cancer include smoking, being exposed to radiation, obesity, and carcinogens. The 5 most common cancers in the world are lung, breast, colon, prostate and stomach cancer. 40,450 women and 440 men die from breast cancer. 86,689 men and 70,734 women die from lung cancer. About 140,000 people die from colon cancer each year. 6,540 men and 4,190 women die from stomach cancer. It was estimated that about 26,120 men die from prostate cancer each year. The survival rate from this is about 28%.

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Pancreatic cancer happens when their is a cancerous cell that is growing in the pancreas. You can become diagnosed with pancreatic cancer by having a CT scan, endoscopic ultrasound, and a biopsy. Some tests are conducted for a pancreatic cancer diagnosis. The tests will include x rays and sounds waves and also checking over your blood to see if there are any tumor markers. Pancreatic cancer can be predicted if you’ve had a relative who’s dealt with it before or if the disease is common in the family. There are about 40,560 people die from the pancreatic cancer each year. 48,960 people are diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. In pancreatic cancer you can be more in risk as you get older most people get pancreatic cancer as they get older so older than 45. Men are more likely to get pancreatic cancer than women. And if you are black you are in a higher risk than people that are white asian hispanic and

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