Informative Speech On Medical 3D Printing

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Today I am going to be talking to you about medical 3D printing. Medical 3D printing is a in science and technology that will make you able to 3D print artificial parts of your body.
What is 3D printing
3D printing is where you can transform a digital file on your computer and turn it into a three-dimensional real life solid object. The first step in making a 3D print is creating a blueprint or a file that you can make on various websites or you can use other peoples templates Then you send it off to a printer where they will make it by putting down thin, sliced, hollowed pieces of either metal or plastic and stacking them layer by layer before you get the final product. 3D printing machine let you make complex shapes like parts for cars, airplanes and machines using much less material and money than other regular machines.
Medical equipment in a quick and cheap way
Everybody knows that medical equipment is very expensive. It is estimated that in 2010 Americans spent over 150 billion dollars in medical devices. Using 3D printed splints or other necessary means for healing will save you lots of money.
Who invented it
The 3D printer was invented by Charles W. Hull in 1984. When Charles Hull first invented the 3D printer he never made it to be a medical tool but …show more content…

This story explains how 3D printing can save lives. Kaiba Gionfriddo was born ahead of planned in 2011. After only 8 months pre birth his lung development caused concerns but he was sent home with his family. Six weeks later, Kaiba stopped breathing and turned blue. He was diagnosed with tracheobronchomalacia, a latin word which means his windpipe was so weak that it collapsed. He was put on different machines but still his windpipe collapsed. His caregivers 3D printed a bioresorbable device that instantly helped Kaiba

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