Informative Speech On Boldo

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The herb boldo has been used since time of the Incas and is been used today – for a wide range of medicinal/theruaputic benefits from helping with digestive, stomach and liver complaints to curbing problems of insomnia, anxiety, hangover and respiratory complaints such as cough and cold. It herb is locally referred to as the Chilean tree as it grows mainly in Chile, and a few other countries in the South American Andes like Ecuador and Argentina. For you to be able to use this herb properly you need to know more about the herbs origin and properties and we will discuss that below.

What is Boldo?
Botanical Classification:
The herb boldo belongs to the Monimiaceae family and the botanical name is Peumus boldus Molina. It is also known …show more content…

The herb is used as a treatment for cystitis, insomnia, gonorrhea, rheumatism, syphilis, cough and cold, indigestion, constipation and earache.
The plant is traditionally used to get rid of intestinal worms because of the essential oil which contains toxic ascaridole that has vermicidal properties.
The herb was first introduced in 1875 to the U.S and England and has since been used to treat ailments related to the stomach, bladder and liver. It can also be used as a mild sedative and nerve tonic.
Currently, it is also used as gallbladder inflammation and gallstones treatment. The herb contains an alkaloid boldin which has liver protective properties and promote the production and secretion of bile.
Boldo is considered to be an amazing medicinal herb for different types of digestive disorders such as heartburn, bloating, poor ability of the stomach and intestines to absorb nutrients.
It helps promote liver detoxification and protects the liver against damage from drugs and toxins which negatively affects the liver.
Boldo contains a mucosal protective, mild diuretic and promote uric acid

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