Informative Speech On Black Widow Spider

906 Words2 Pages

Emily Comer
SPC 205, 002
Group Presentation Outline Black Widow Spider
General Purpose: To inform
Specific Purpose: To inform my audience of the physical appearance of the Black Widow, the environment in which they are found, and how their venom affects the human body.
Central Idea: Black widows are known to be the most venomous spider in North America with venom more than 15 times stronger than that of rattlesnake's.

I. Attention-Getter: Have you ever felt the urge to hurt or kill your significant other?
II. Other: According to, the female black widow has been known to injure or kill the male spider after mating.
III. Central idea: Black …show more content…

. D. states that these spiders like to make their web close to the ground and in a dark, dry place. (Internal transition: We have seen the physical appearance and the environment of the black widow, now I would like to talk about how their venom affects the human body.) III. According to the National Geographic website, black widow spiders are non- aggressive and will only bite if they are disturbed. A. states that, the bite may just feel like a slight prick to the victim that occurs when the spider's fangs are injecting their toxic venom underneath the skin. B. After bit, swelling and redness may emerge around the general location of the bite. C. After the venom gets in the blood stream the victim may have local pain that can worsen and spread across the body. D. Jessie Szalay, a LiveScience Contributor, states "Contrary to popular belief, most victims do not suffer serious damage"(verbal citation). E. Anti-venom can be found in most hospitals or emergency centers. F. Carol Jorgensen Huston, an RN and professor of Nursing in California, says "Patients who are under 12 or over 60 years old or who are pregnant or seriously ill are especially vulnerable to severe reactions"(verbal

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