Informative Essay On Tics

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A tic disorder is a condition in which a person makes sudden and repeated movements or sounds (tics). There are three types of tic disorders:
Transient or provisional tic disorder (common). This type usually goes away within a year or two.
Chronic or persistent tic disorder. This type may last all through childhood and continue into the adult years.
Tourette syndrome (rare). This type lasts through all of life. It often occurs with other disorders.
Tic disorders starts before age 18, usually between age of 5 and 10. These disorders cannot be cured, but there are many treatments that can help manage tics. Most tic disorders get better over time.
What are the causes?
The cause of this condition is not known.
What are the signs or symptoms?
The main symptom of this condition is …show more content…

Treatment for this condition depends on how severe your tics are. If they are mild, you may not need treatment. If they are more severe, you may benefit from treatment. Some treatments include:
Cognitive behavioral therapy. This kind of therapy involves talking to a mental health professional. The therapy can help you become more aware of your tics, control your tics, or disguise your tics.
Family therapy. This kind of therapy provides education and emotional support for your family members.
Medicine that help control tics.
Medicine that is injected into the body to relax muscles (botulinum toxin). This may be a treatment option if your tics are severe.
Electrical stimulation of the brain (deep brain stimulation). This may be a treatment option if your tics are severe.
Follow these instructions at home:
Take over-the-counter and prescription medicines only as told by your health care provider.
Check with your health care provider before using any new prescription or over-the-counter medicines.
Keep all follow-up visits as told by your health care provider. This is important.
Contact a health care provider if:
You are not able to take your medicines as

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