Informative Essay On Paleo Food

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Everywhere you go these days, someone is talking about the paleo diet. Oh great, another diet fad where I give up the foods I love and starve away the minutes until my next miniscule meal. Every day a new dieting trend takes up another aisle at the supermarket, so what makes this one so special? What’s all the hype about paleo? Well, my first discovery about paleo was that it’s not actually a diet. Instead, eating paleo means eating the foods that our bodies are intended to process. Unlike other diets that focus on counting calories and divvying up tiny portions, paleo focuses on eating the right foods until you are satisfied. Really, as much as I want? OK, you’ve got my attention. Diet Advice from a Caveman The easiest way to think of the paleo diet is to eat like a caveman. “Paleo” is the shortened version of paleolithic, the time period of our most natural human eating. Our cavemen ancestors survived by hunting meat and gathering wild vegetables and seasonal fruits. If they couldn’t find it naturally, they didn’t eat it. …show more content…

In general, the paleo diet allows foods found in a natural hunter-gatherer diet: grass-fed meats, fowl, fish, fruits, nuts, eggs, vegetables, oils and tubers. Of course, this doesn’t mean you should deep fry everything or down a three-pound tub of mixed nuts. Focus on healthy meats and proteins to keep yourself satisfied between meals. Remember to limit the high-carb fruits and tubers if your goal is weight loss. If the cavemen could do it, so can we! What Didn’t the Cavemen

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