Informative Essay On Ebola

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Start Preparing What are the risks? What are the symptoms? What will prevent it? These are all vital questions in the fight against Ebola. Ebola is hitting every headline in the country as more and more staff in the Texas hospital test positive, the death tolls in Africa continue to escalate, and the diagnosis feels as a sentence for death. The virus has not yet hit schools; however it doesn’t mean schools should not have a plan to prevent any further damage. Ebola is a deadly virus with symptoms much like common illnesses, prevention is becoming nearly impossible, and schools need a prior plan for Ebola to help eliminate further spreading of the disease. Ebola is becoming the next major pandemic disease because of its normal symptoms …show more content…

Ebola has spread like wildfire through Africa and after victims have been transported to the United States it continues to spread. One patient was diagnosed with Ebola in Texas, after this person has died 2 nurses and a Doctor have tested positive for the disease (“WLLR”). A hospital is generally thought as a sterile place and this hospital was no different and used extreme caution when working with the first Ebola patient. Although extreme caution was used these three individuals now are suffering the same fate most Ebola patients see. If a hospital cannot prevent an outbreak how can a school? A school’s awareness is crucial, but there are common sense steps to preventing Ebola. Common things many people already practice are washing hands, disinfecting common surfaces, and proper steps to spreading germs such as covering your mouth when coughing (“An Ounce of” 1-2). As Ebola becomes a larger problem schools need to ensure these practices are pushed and practiced. Another frightening set back in stopping Ebola is the lack of a vaccine. Contrasting to other infectious diseases Ebola does not currently have a vaccine (“Ebola” 2). There is also no proven treatment to stop Ebola. Having no warfare against Ebola, schools need to have a set plan of attack to cut the victim list off if it ever invades their

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