Informative Essay: German Culture And Culture

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In 2014, Germany recorded the highest trade surplus in the world worth $285 billion. The top 10 exports of Germany are vehicles, machineries, chemical goods, electronic products, electrical equipments, pharmaceuticals, transport equipments, basic metals, food products, and rubber and plastics.
Germany is a culture rich country. When having a conversation with any locals it is very important to keep eye contact. The Germans place a very high priority on structures, privacy and there punctuality. Germans have high values in there thriftiness hard work and there industriousness. Germans are not one to admit there faults and they rarely complain. This being said they seem to be unfriendly to most but they have a devoted community and a desire to …show more content…

Many of their meals consist with cabbage, beets, and turnips, as they are native to the region. Potatoes, sauerkraut are also on the top of the list that Germans use in there cuisine. Beer is the Germans most popular alcoholic beverage and known as the birthplace for a large number of beers including wheat beers. During the 16th century the Germans had, a purity law banned that only allowing them to only brew there beer from barley hoops and water. Schnapps and brandy are also highly sought after drinks with Germans. Germans celebrate many of the traditional Christian holidays to include Easter and Christmas. Germans also celebrate unification day. Unification day was when east and West Germany were brought back as one country when the wall was removed October 3rd1989. Unification day is the only federal holiday that the Germans have. One of the famous traditions that the Germans celebrate is known as October fest. This tradition was started when crown prince Ludwig of Bavaria married Princess Therese Consachsen- Hildurhausen 1810. The event is known as the biggest beer bash, starts each year on a Saturday in September, and ends 16-18days later and ending on the first Sunday of October.
Ways to get a hold of someone in Germany is just as simple as western states. The Germans …show more content…

The government of Germany is a democratic, federal legislative power, and federal parliamentary republic. The center of their government is located in Bunderstag Germany. The government of Germany has been a muti-party system since 1949. They state of government was dominated by the Christian democratic union and the social democratic party. Germany’s political system was laid out in their constitution since 1949 with their basic law remaining with minor amendments in 1990 after the German Reunification in

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