Informative Essay About Theatre

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Miserably Happy Friday, April 13. Second class of the day, theater. My teacher, Helen Freeman, asks for volunteers to run tech for the show she is producing, Hairspray. I raise my hand. Tech is something I have always wanted to do, and I want to be able to see my friends who are in the show. For weeks, they have been practically unable to leave the school because of rehearsal. I was in the fall show, I know how much time it takes for both actors and techs. For once, I have the time it takes. My teacher tells me to be at rehearsal on Sunday at three. I tell her I will be there. Sunday rolls around, I find myself in the auditorium.
The place is like a home for me and all the other theater and/or Speech and Debate kids. The auditorium …show more content…

“Techies” they call us. Cassidy, the stage manager, has us write down our names and cell phone numbers to create a group chat. We sit and watch the actors rehearse two of the scenes they have a little trouble with. Then we watch them do it again, and again, and again. At this point, the tech crew, the actors, and Mrs. Freeman are frustrated. We were supposed to do a full run-through today. Freeman lets us take a break to get some snacks from the green room. I see too many people crying. Tears of frustration, they assure me. I understand, I am fairly annoyed …show more content…

It is the same thing every day, move this and that, sit back on the bench. Have semi-deep discussions with the rest of the tech crew. Talk to the actors when they are backstage even though you are not supposed to. Help with quick changes and carry around mic tape because there is always someone who needs it. Rehearsals move along fast until the night before the first show. All the tech kids are nervous, we know that nobody is quite ready. Mrs. Freeman takes care to remind us during meeting that you never have a show until you have to have a show. We say our goodbyes and head home, anxiously awaiting

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