Influences that Have Shaped American Literature

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Influences that Have Shaped American Literature

There have been a number of influences that have shaped American literature. From the time that Western Europeans founded the country to the inclusion of Native American lore to the contributions of such literary giants as Mark Twain and Carol Sandburg, the composition of American Literature has been both constant and ever changing. In deed as much as America, itself, is a melting pot of diversity within a cultural concern, so too is this considerable diversity a significant aspect of its emerging literature.

Grantland S. Rice, author of The Transformation of Authorship in America, contends that the ultimate composition of American literature is fundamentally based upon a combination of efforts involving gender, class, period and application. What is particualy, interesting about Rice’s observations is the manner in which he applies his theories to literary considerations. According to Rice, there were a great many influences that constructed American literature up through modern times; as much as writers were “increasingly forced by social, political and economic changes” (Rice 159), it was because of these modifications that the literary experience gained in substance. In their attempts to uphold civic virtue, early writers “no doubt turned to the audience through whom they

felt they could still effect significant cultural changes” (Rice 159). It is this very determination and knowledge of craft that eventually aided in the efforts of countless writers -- both men and women -- to establish American literature as it has come to be known:

The story I till here is thus far from the usual

one of the ‘progress’ or ‘rise’ of American


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...trive for literary expression” (Halio, Siegal 30). Indeed, the innumerable contributions to American literature stand out as considerable and for-reaching. By assessing the various factors each component has brought to the overall composition, it is easily arguable that American literature is a compilation of many foreign entities that ultimately embrace and represent the American way



Halio, Jay L., and Ben. Siegel. Daughters of Valor:

Contemporary Jewish American Women Writers. GreenBay:

Jackson-Elliot, 1997.

Rice, Grantland S. The Transformation of Authorship in

America. Chicago: Braxton, 1997.

Sandburg, Carl. Chicago Poems. New York: Henry Holt, 1916.

Smith, Joan. “Lessons of Huck Finn.” San Francisco Examiner

Twain, Mark. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Philadelphia:

Courage Books, 1990.

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