Infection Vs Minimally Invasive Surgery

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Chapter One: Introduction
No researcher has ever studied to quantify how infection and complication rates are affected by the different types of surgeries that doctors performed. There have been studies placing MIS over other surgeries in other areas, such as blood loss. There have also been studies that place Open surgery above, saying that it is simpler for the surgeon and therefore got better results.
Statement of Problem There is a lack of information about infection and complication rate with any spinal surgery. As such, doctors and patients are making less informed decisions about care and potential surgeries. By determining the complication and infection rate for each style surgery, doctors will have more information as to which surgery is better for their patients (Park & Ha, 2007).
Purpose Statement
The purpose of this study is to determine if there is a relationship between the type of surgery performed and the occurrence of an infection or a …show more content…

Some doctors have personal opinions on this subject, but not many of them back up their options with fact. When looking at Swift (2017), it is clear that this is a doctor who prefers minimally invasive surgery for a multitude of reasons, but he neglects to mention anything about infection or complications in his reasoning. McClelland et al., (2017) conclude the benefits of minimally invasive surgery in some aspects of the surgery but,t also neglects to mention any data collected about infection or complications. Similarly, Regan et al. (1999) choose to not display their data for rate of infection or complication when deciding that minimally invasive surgery was the best course for

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