Ineffective Meetings

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Ineffective Meetings


I once read a famous quote by Dave Barry that said, “If you had to identify in one word, the reason why the human race has not achieved, and never will achieve it’s full potential, that would be meetings.” Picture yourself sitting in a room full of your peers at work and all of a sudden the meeting is adjourned and you have no idea what happened and are unable to articulate what you learned from the interaction. Believe it or not, this is a common place for many individuals in organizations today. Meetings are used as a common means of disseminating information and soliciting feedback. If meetings are so vital to the effective operations of businesses, then why is there such a feeling of disconnect and discontent for them. I would pose the reason is because of the ineffectiveness of the gathering.


I am currently employed as a Customer Service Manager for AXA-Equitable. It’s a wealth management firm with operations all over the world. I work in the National Operations Center in their Call Center. Our Call Center is staffed with 4 front line managers who have a span of control of approximately 25 customer service representatives. The 4 front line managers, report to the Division Manager, who reports directly to the Department Head. The staff meetings are scheduled bi-weekly at the same time, with the front line managers and division manager in attendance. The agenda is typically sent out in advance with the topics that will be covered with the specified

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allotted time for each item. We rely upon this time together to receive updates on the business, to include new initiatives or changes coming down the line. Additionally, this is

the opportunity for us to collaborate...

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... team suffers because it’s not able to capitalize on the thoughts and ideas of all parties.

In conclusion, ineffective meetings can have a significant negative impact on an organization. That impact can range from a lack of knowledge due to inefficiencies, loss

of productivity, employee disengagement, and poor problem-solving opportunities. Managers are the liaison between the organization and their employees. They are tasked with effectively communicating the goals and objectives of the company to their respective teams. Given the magnitude of that responsibility, it’s imperative that organizations provide their leaders with the proper training and tools to successfully complete such a daunting task effectively.

Works Cited

Barry, Dave. “Quote Garden.” Quote Garden. N.p., 2011. Web. 14 Feb 2011.

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