Individuality Great Accomplishment

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Ralph Waldo Emerson once stated, “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” Individuality is a great accomplishment, especially in this day in age. Many people, social media, television shows, advertisements, etc. are trying to pressure people to be something that they are not. Individuality is important and a great accomplishment because people who are individuals are not influenced by other people's choices, they contribute their own brilliant ideas to the world, and they lead more joyous, happier lives.
Individuality is a great accomplishment because people are not influenced by other people’s choices. Many people will hold themselves back from doing what they want because of what the rest of the world says they “should do.” People are told that they can not do things or will not achieve their goals because others have failed at the same task. Individuals who are themselves, in a world like this, can think for themselves. They are “go getters.” They get to decide for themselves if they want something, and if they do they go for it. Individuality is a great achievement because people who are their own person achieve more than someone …show more content…

People who are their own person are very unique and tend to think outside the ordinary. Individuality is important to contribute new ideas to the world because nothing is holding you back from branching out and brainstorming. People who think outside the box are helping to create a better life for others, even those still trying to be someone they are not. Many people may think that being an individual is going to lead to failure; however, failure is the key to success. In addition to individuality being a great accomplishment due to the contribution of new ideas, it is also great because it leads to more joy in a person's

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