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Future generations should be aware of the need for individuality. Diverse societies come not only through the mixture of races and cultures, but also through individual personalities. Without these, the world would be a bland place to live. As Juan Ramón Jiménez once said, “If they give you ruled paper, write the other way.” Individuality is not only how one presents oneself and the activities one may prefer to partake in, but also the questions they ask about the world. Without Eratosthenes’ and Copernicus’ doubts, many quirks about our planet would be left undiscovered. They went against what was told as ‘truth’, and questions led them to what was right. If J. J. Thompson had not experimented, no one would even know what they were made of! Many important discoveries about how the world works would not have been …show more content…

Females as a whole would not have such an inspiring representative for their rights across the world. What if Johnny Depp decided he would rather have a ‘normal’ life? The whimsical costumes and fanciful tales for which he is known would not exist. The most important thing one can contribute to the population is their individuality. It adds a certain richness to society that nothing else can. Feminism, education, and thought-inspiring entertainment are important, great even, but these things bud from an individual’s willingness to go against the grain. All of the wondrous aspects of the world come because someone decided to be different, go against society, and be his or her self. To put it in a Christian point of view, if everyone’s story was the same, the gospel could not be spread efficiently. Distinctive testimonies awaken thought, and can reference how specific parts of the gospel relate to one’s everyday walk with Christ. There would be no stories of triumph over evil, or how despair brought about hope. Without individuality, the world might have never known about

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