Individual Identification In Forensic Investigation

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Identifying the suspect(s) and linking them to a crime is one of the most crucial and very important tasks that crime investigator(s) have to perform or execute in earnest after each crime. Identification means the determination of the individuality of a person (Kannan and Mathiharan, 2007). Each person or individual has certain features that make him or her different from others. These features are unique and make them radically distinct from others.

Individual identification is a crucial and an exigent task in forensic investigation and with the ever-increasing demands placed upon law enforcement agencies to provide sufficient physical evidence that would lead to the linking of a perpetrator to crime, it makes sense to utilise any type of physical characteristics to identify a suspect of an offence (Srilekha et al, 2014). Anthropometry, dactyloscopy, palatal rugae pattern, DNA, fingerprinting, sex determination, estimation of age, measurement of height, differentiation of blood groups, handwriting and bite marks are some methods used for personal identification( Kannan and Mathiharan, 2007; Sheetal et al., 2013; Kanchan and Chattopadhyay, 2008 ). For a physical characteristic to be used as an identification marker, it should be unique as well as permanent. Finger prints, lip prints and blood groups are biological …show more content…

The raised lines called ridges and the depressions, called the furrows, facilitate friction. These arrangements of the ridges and furrows form different patterns which are unique for every individual and are stable throughout the life of the individual. These patterns are known as prints. The use of prints as a personal identification tool is one of the commonest methods in forensic anthropology and the most widely used prints are the fingerprints. Even the fingerprints of identical twins are not similar but differ (Bushra and Devanand,

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