Indigenous Peoples Day

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4.3 : Understands that there are multiple perspectives and interpretations of historical events. Multiperspectivity can alter how the past is remembered. At times there may be more bias towards groups of people. By discussing how the Thanksgiving holiday is remembered by some as a tragic event for the Native Americans and by others as a holiday solely celebrating family and friends, it would demonstrate how people interpret historical events differently here in the northwest.[1] [2] Thanksgiving is not only a controversial topic among Native Americans in the past ,but also today . Growing up in a public school setting and being taught one view ,one perspective.It leads people to believe this one story, of Christopher Columbus to be this grand hero who discovered America. Many places have been named after Columbus such as the District of Columbia or more commonly known as Washington D.C. . …show more content…

Columbus Day has been changed to “Indigenous Peoples Day” . Shortly after,this change Khsama Swant a Seattle City Council member speaks about these issues on the website . Many other states have changed Columbus day to Indiginoeus Peoples’ Day because of the upsetting history associated with Columbus. "This is about taking a stand against racism and discrimination," Seattle City Council member Kshama Sawant told the Seattle Times. "Learning about the history of Columbus and transforming this day into a celebration of indigenous people and a celebration of social justice ... allows us to make a connection between this painful history and the ongoing marginalization, discrimination and poverty that indigenous communities face to this

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