Incremental Housing

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The right to affordable housing for low-income households in various cities of India is the main concern in the right to city discourse. It is a right that facilitates all citizens to have the benefits that the city has to offer. The United Nations defines the “right to city” with the outline of ‘equality’ rights i.e social, cultural, political and economical, emphasizing the rights to basic needs ( UN, 2008, P57). Two of the similar concepts concerning the right to housing are participation and citizenship. At the center of urban residency, the privilege to housing comes together with ration cards and electricity bills that benefits the poor and assures the rights to education and other benefits. The challenge that India faces is, while officially all Indian are citizens and have rights but in the case of downgraded settlements they are “Citizens Without a city” (Arjun Appadurai, 2001). The lack of the participation of the citizens is the second major aspect of the right of housing. Thus it is through the practice of official rights and conversion of those rights into collective capabilities can one talk about the rights to city.
The paper focuses of the ‘Incremental Housing’ developed by natural growth process, in the periphery of New Delhi, India and proposes a model, which shows the strong and positive connection between the facility of adequate housing and encouraging a better and developed living environment. The interest for incremental cities comes from a concern for the types of urbanism that has grown over time through gradual growth and infill. Incremental cities are the outcome of a continuous modification of their past and present, concerning existing and evolving local conditions. This cannot either be master planne...

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...g these groups together depends on trusted and not trusted representation. In order to define organizations we should be able to critically ask how are they formed? What kind of rules and practices help consolidate and facilitate them? How can these institutions operate to suit the independent individual within the common whole?

Proposed model
The following image illustrates the incremental housing stock. The same street that is photographed after 3 years a part shows the typical increments and street occurring. Some of the houses have significant upgraded from a temporary to joined structures.
This shows how with no assistance improvements and renovations have been made by those people who take up the residences. The inabilities of the state to develop the land have highlighted by the residents and have been able to do by themselves with the limited resources.

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