Increasing Grandparents Raising Children: The Effects

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Grandparents Raising Children: The Effects The substantial increase in the number of grandparents assigned as primary caretakers for the well-being of their grandchildren is on the rise in society. Grandparents play a significant part in the life of the child but when grandparents assume the parental role and take on the duties and responsibilities of a custodial parent, several stressors can surface which may cause strain within the family structure. This paper will examine the emotional and social effects this placement has on the grandparents, discuss possible challenges that may arise and briefly incorporate research on consequences that develop in the child due to lack of support and resources. Developments The number of grandparent headed families is rising. As Edwards and Daire (2011) indicate that in the United States, there are approximately four billion grandchildren who have grandparents that serve as their primary caretakers. There is limited research on the academic effects this type of family structure has on the child, but evidence does support the fact that stress developed from the change eventually transcends to the child. Grandparents who raise grandchildren tend to have elevated stress that often “negatively impacts the child’s well-being such as behavioral, emotional, and academic” …show more content…

The purpose of grandparent headed families include keeping the family unity, reducing separation trauma, providing stability for the child, and reinforcing cultural identity (Kelch-Oliver, 2011). Certain challenges are anticipated when grandparents have limited access to resources and the support needed. These challenges influence the way grandchildren are educated and nurtured. As a result, stressors accumulate affect grandparents emotionally, and in return influences the child

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