Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl by Harriet Jacobs

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Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl by Harriet Jacobs

A narrative that describes a young girl's trails and tribulations while being an involuntary member of the institution of slavery, Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl attempts to open many eyes to the world of slavery. The author, Harriet Jacobs, wishes those in north would do more to put a stop to the destructive practice entitled slavery. As Jacobs states, slavery contains a de-constructive force that effects to all who surround it. It tears apart families (both white and black). Jacobs confronts her reader one on one in order to reemphasize her point. In addition, she uses the family and sentiment to appeal to and challenge her 19th century white female readers in order to effectively gain their support in the movement for abolition.

What is Jacobs hoping to find? She looks for northern women that will recognize that they have a duty and an obligation to put a stop to slavery in the south, as well as the recapture and trading of runaway slaves in the north. Along with recognizing the obvious, Jacobs wants ...

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