In The Butterflies Religion

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The novel In the Time of the Butterflies does an extraordinary job at weaving God and religion to the Mirabal sisters’ personal, public and intimate life. Throughout the whole book, God plays a strong role in their decision making. This was a lot more obvious in Patria than in all the sisters. The sisters could always count on God when they needed to make tough decisions about the regime. Since they were little girls, God was involved. Mama strongly believed in God and following the rule of God, doing what is right. In chapter one, when Dede is having a flashback to when they were young girls, Papa was telling the girls what he thought their fortune would be. “Padre Ignacio says that fortunes are for those without faith.” Mama was against all fortune telling and in believing that there is greater being/force than God. Like always, Patria would agree with Mama, but the other girls always defended fortune telling. “”I don’t believe in fortunes either”. Patria says quickly. She’s as religious as Mama,” While Patria used religion in a way that benefited her, Minerva used it to describe her feelings. “I was afraid she’d stick me in the sick room and I’d have to lie in bed, listening to Sor Consuelo reading …show more content…

After the Mirabal family met Lio, they all thought that he was a man of wisdom. Once the news of his revolutionary actions became known, Mama was against the girls seeing Lio, especially Minerva. “But I didn’t know they were communist ideas!” Minerva and Dede came together so that they could both see their ‘secret loves’. The girls weren’t the only one’s to be affected by God. The whole country was very religious. “paper fans with the Virgencita on one side and El Jefe on the other.” Trujillo wanted to make himself loved just the same as the people of the DR loved God. This is evident in the Mirabal household, where Trujillo’s portrait is hung up right besides a holy

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