John Updike A & P Transition Into Adulthood

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Sammy’s Sophomoric Adolescent Transition into Adulthood
The transition from childhood to adulthood is not only a physical challenge but, psychological and socially exhausting. John Updike who wrote “A & P” recognized this and used it characterize the main character. The protagonist Sammy was developed around the concept of the journey into adulthood. Sammy is a nineteen years old boy who works at the A&P grocery store in a small New England town. It is not until three young girls walk into the store in just their bathing suits that Sammy is faced with the realization that he undoubtedly has to face the harsh truth of growing up. Sammy’s immature behavior is predominant throughout the short story in multiple occasions. He is judgmental …show more content…

His annotation of the “women with six children and varicose veins mapping their legs and nobody, including them, could care less” (Updike 159) and “the sheep” (Updike 162) in the checkout lines are an illustration of his everyday repetitious life working at the A&P. He compares these women to animals showing his undeniable sophomoric juvenile behavior.
John Updike depicts Sammy’s character as a typical young boy who thinks he is invisible to the idea that consequences apply to him. However, Sammy is granted the harsh actuality that he will no longer be given slaps on the wrist for radical decisions. His coworker Stokesie is twenty-two, married and has two children. Generally speaking, Sammy may still have childish actions but he understands that he does not want to work at the A&P the rest of his life. When he is stricken by the proposition to stand up for the girls as Lengel confronts them about their attire, his entire world …show more content…

He was involuntarily pushed into the meaning and concept of being an adult. “His face was dark gray and his back stiff, as if he’d just had an injection of iron, and my stomach kind of fell as I felt how hard the world was going to be to me hereafter.” (Updike 162) Sammy was a youthful young boy whose actions did not bother him as they did not seem to affect the people around him. However, the tough lesson that he learned on this day was a realization that his actions speak just as loud as his

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