In Favor of Same Sex Marriage

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Equality for all? I think not.

You’re sitting in a church for your friend, Kathryn. She has invited you and a few other people to her wedding. As you watch her, you notice how happy she is about this marriage. Both partners say “I do,” and you hear the clergyman say, “I pronounce you wife and wife.” The church erupts with applause as your friend and her partner share their first kiss as a legally married couple. That is fantasy that has yet to come true for most homosexual couples. The war for same-sex marriage has yet to be won in America. Through multiple court cases, the gay rights movement has been fighting to give homosexuals the equality, respect and civil rights enjoyed by the rest of the nation.

The reasons that the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transvestite community is all thanks to the gay rights movement. The purpose of this movement is to protect rights and obtain equality for those who are homosexual. The movement tries to educate the community on gay rights as well as convince those people who are homosexual, to proclaim their orientation. The movement’s supporters come from all different orientations, homosexuals, bisexuals, transgendered, even heterosexuals! The movement also consists of many organizations (such as the Freedom to Marry), artists, journalist and many other positions. All these activists working to spread the word of this wonderful movement, many different ways. Many supporters say that homosexuals should be given the same rights as heterosexuals, such as legal marriage. Eliminating the ban on same-sex marriage has been a major goal of the movement (Haider-Markel). Activists of the movement argue that preventing two persons from marrying is discriminatory act and it violates human rights (Nwazot...

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...losing benefits that are enjoyed by all other heterosexual couples for the sole reason that they are homosexual. Since the gay rights movement believes this treatment is unfair (as do many other people) they have taken to the courts to give homosexuals the rights that everyone else enjoys.


Works Cited

Beyond Marriage. 2008. Beyond Marriage. 30 January 2009.

Freedom to Marry. 2007. Freedom to Marry. 29 January 2009.

Haider-Markel, Donald P. “Gay rights movement.” World Book Online Reference Center. 2009. 30 Jan. 2009 .

Nwazota, Kristina. “The Legal Debate Over Same-Sex Marriage.” NewsHour Extra. 29 Jan. 2009.

Rubin, Bonnie Miller. “Gay parents rights issue divided U.S., not families”. Chicago Tribune. 17 Feb. 2009

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