In A Pit With A Lion On A Snowy Day

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In 2006, Mark Patterson wrote, “In A Pit With A Lion On A Snowy Day.” Several weeks ago I was given the opportunity to read the follow up, “Chase The Lion.” I LOVED IT! I’m a follower of Mark’s work and he has never disappointed me. From his books, "If," "All In," and ”The Circle Maker," to everything in-between and all around! This book came at the right time, [God’s timing is perfect. #Chasethelion] I have been struggling with several things, we all do. Page after page my eyes were opened, my mind cleared and my heart was receptive. [Without God’s help, I’m below average. #Chasethelion]. I hope you’ll read the book, apply it to your life and take immediate action on your take aways. Thank you,

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