Importance Of Wealth Essay

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People like to argue that wealth is a bad thing, but I believe wealth is a good thing if it is used in the right way. People get a bad notion about wealth because they see that all rich people are terrible people. They see rich people as arrogant, stubborn, and egocentric maniacs. Sometimes, this is the case which is awful, but people with low riches can also be the same way. People say that riches define who you are, but I believe you are the same person either way. Riches can change you, but essentially you are still the same person. Your character should have nothing to do with your earthly possessions, although people do let it affect them just a little bit. Honestly, deep down, you will react the same way to a situation whether you have an abundance of …show more content…

It would be much easier to fit a camel through the eye of the needle than to get a rich man and his possessions to heaven. Also, a rich man might get distracted with all his riches to even focus on God, and he would just focus on trying to get more and more riches and waste his time away. You can really interpret what he 's saying in different ways. You choose whatever to believe in. A story in the bible relating to this passage of scripture starts in Mark 10:17. “It talks about a young ruler wanting to have eternal life, and he goes up to Jesus to ask Him what he needs to do to have eternal life. Jesus said he should keep His commandments, but the ruler said he has kept them since his youth and asked what he lacks now to inherit eternal life. Jesus then tells him that he should go and give everything he has to the poor then come take up his cross with Jesus. The young ruler departs grieved because he knows he doesn’t have the will power to go give his stuff away.”

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