Importance Of Virtue In Engineering

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Virtues in Engineering: Applying Aristotle’s Virtue Ethics to Engineering and Lifelong Learning Engineers are innovators. They are dreamers and doers. They think outside the box and solve problems that civilians sometimes do not even realize they have. However, with innovation comes responsibility. Virtue is a tendency to behave in accordance with a specific moral concept. Virtues are benchmarks for morality and illustrate the goodness of certain practices. Engineers are tasked with keeping the public safe. They are not mere inventors, who create without reference to society’s needs and constraints. It is this respect and interest in the world that necessitates a code of ethical virtues for engineers. This paper will attempt to further explain Mechanical engineers are considered jacks-of-all-trades because of their wide breadth of knowledge. For this reason, it is imperative that they strive to fulfil these two virtues. Creativity allows engineers to look at a problem in new and innovative ways. This is particularly important for mechanical engineers, due to the diversity of their discipline. Similarly, flexibility helps mechanical engineers to consider the viewpoints of more specialized engineering branches. If engineers are too enamored with their own ideas, they can stifle creativity and limit innovative potential. To become an effective engineer, it is necessary to exercise the previously mentioned virtues as frequently as possible. By doing so, one develops a disposition that supports the further development of virtue. For mechanical engineers, who can work in almost any engineering industry, it is vital be open to change and capable of adapting to meet a team’s requirements. By employing both creativity and flexibility, mechanical engineers can spearhead innovation while still allowing others to contribute unique solutions. By being open to criticism and passionate about one’s field, an engineer is more likely to

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