Importance Of Values In The Workplace

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Value in the Work Place
Research topic: How Values Affect the Workplace
Value, when we think of value we think of our beliefs and what our parents teach us when we are little, but we never really stop and think how will those values and beliefs that my parents have thought me affect me in the future. Will I have trouble with people around me because of my values, will they affect my future workplace, will I be able to work with people that do not share my beliefs and values, will I share the values of the company that I want to work for. Based on the class textbook the definition of values is “enduring beliefs that a specific mode or conduct or end state of existence is personally or socially preferable to an opposite or converse mode of conduct …show more content…

Everything that happens in our lives affects the things we believe in. Because of that values can really have an effect in both a negative and a positive way. Our textbook divides values into two categories the instrumental values or “values that shape the acceptable behaviors that can be used to achieve some goal or end state” (ORGB chapter 4 page 65) and terminal values or “values that influence the goals to be achieved or the end states of existence” (ORGB chapter 4 page 65). The instrumental values are things like honesty, forgiveness, ambition, and politeness. While the terminal values are things like world peace, self-respect, wisdom, and inner peace. We need both types of values to be a good person and a functioning member of society, and to be successful in our workplace. If a person has one more than the other of both terminal and instrumental values they risk being hated, disliked, or easily taken advantage of, a person should have a good combination of both. There …show more content…

There are many different values in the workplace that can cause conflict “some (possibly conflicting) examples of workplace values include: being accountable, making a difference, focusing on detail, delivering quality, being completely honest, keeping promises, being reliable, being positive, meeting deadlines, helping others, being a great team member, respecting company policy and rules, and respecting others, and showing tolerance” (Understanding Workplace Values). Not everyone has those workplace values and that can have a really negative impact on a workplace. Not having the same values can cause tension and conflict between coworkers. It could cause a lot of stress on workers having to work and be in teams with people that they hate or do not get along with. The morale of the company would be very low if people did not believe in the things that the company stands for. For example, if a person that is very pro the environment and saving the planet’s recourses works for a company that has factories that pollute the water and kill off trees and animals. They would hate going to that job and it would cause them a lot of stress and they would be in conflict with their personal values. They would not be a good fit for that company because they do not share the same values as the company. It would have a negative effect on both the employee and the employer. To really be productive at work you need to believe in what you

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