Importance Of Values In Social Work

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When someone asks what my values are, I always respond with the same values my family has. My family has had a huge impact on my values in today’s society. They have taught me right from wrong, if I did something wrong that meant serious consequences, talking back was unacceptable behavior etc. Growing up, I found it very hard for me to communicate with someone who has different values than I do. Once I graduate from Slippery Rock in May, I will have a degree in social work and plan to work in the Child Welfare system. With wanting to be a social worker, I need to work on my realizing my values are not that same as everyone else’s values. In this paper, I will be talking about values, but more specific values in social work.
Social Work is a value-base profession. People’s values play an important role in the field of Social …show more content…

Some events that might influence a person’s values is a death in their family, not having a mother or father to look up to, being ill, a car accident etc. These events could drastically change the way someone develops values. Values influence someone’s motivation to have a legacy in their life. Every decision that is being made in a person’s life is based on their value. Values come from beliefs. For example, when I think of my values or I am trying to change a value because of a certain reason, I always start with what my beliefs are and go back to my values. In my own opinion, values should be something that pushes and motivate someone to be a better person. Everyone has values and they might not be the best values but if I was a social worker, I would have to get over that and still continue to provide them with service that they need. It doesn’t matter what someone’s values are, as long as they strongly believe and motivate them to be a better

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