Importance Of Unity In Diversity Essay

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Unity in diversity means oneness in the varieties. India is a best country proving this concept for many years. India is a country where it is very clear to see unity in diversity because people of many religion, race, culture and tradition live together without affecting each others feelings and believes to their religion. Unity in diversity focuses on the existence of unity even after lots of differences of cultural, social, physical, linguistic, religious, political, ideological, psychological, etc. More number of diversities makes more complex unity. People in India are united in spite of the much diversity of races, religions, castes, sub-castes, communities, languages and dialects. People in India are highly spiritual and God fearing …show more content…

We have had our fair share of ethnic rivalries and violent religious clashes and political upsurges all leading to the death of hundreds of thousands. The story is same in other parts of Africa and the world at large. There are incessant terrorist attacks, wars and man-made disasters. It’s almost becoming the order of the day to see people die- both young and old. No one seems to ask the question! Why?
Perhaps somewhere and somehow we are still ignorant of our being family. We still discriminate against each other on ethnic basis we take advantage of others because they do not belong to our own little group, we pursue our selfish interests not minding its effect on our fellow citizens. No wonder the frustration of our people!
With these realities on ground, how do we then live …show more content…

Change? It wasn’t easy! I chose to accept her person, tolerate her excesses and be responsible for my actions. Since then our relationship has been blissful. Now we are real sisters with the sense of oneness that should be seen in a family.
Having achieved this in my family, I decided to take a step further. If workable in my family, it can also work out in my community! So I decided to make an impact in my school. This propelled me to get involved with the organization of things in my faculty.
I later became the vice president of my faculty. I had to deal with people of diverse interests, culture, religion and background, but with these differences, I still had to figure out a way in which we could all work as a team.
I started with education. I organized series of lectures and seminars with the help of my dean, lecturers and other executive members. It turned out to be huge success! I began to see a change in the attitude of my fellow students.
Though it did not happen overnight, people began to forget their differences, they placed what we have in common above the differences then we started discovering the ever-increasing need for one

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