Importance Of The Old Testament

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Is the Old Testament Relevant to Christians Today?
Who is God?
Who is God? How do I get to know Him better? How can I learn more about Him, His desires, His promises, His blessings? To learn more about Jesus, begin reading the New Testament. There is plenty there to give a reader a very good idea of who Jesus was and what He stood for. He touched the lives of thousands of people; helping, healing, teaching and loving them. There is information to the believer explaining how to live a Christian life; the things we should and should not do, as well as how to treat others. We can learn about Jesus sacrificing His life on the cross so that we could have an opportunity to be saved and have a personal relationship with God. But why? Why is it like this? Why did those things happen the way they did? Why was it …show more content…

“The New Testament is the final chapter to the Old Testament” (Why is the Old Testament so important?, 2017). You have to get to the root of it all to learn and understand it better. The word is God. If you want to know who God is and understand Him better, you would need to read the whole book of the Bible. Why would anyone want to start in the middle of a book or only read the ending? You can never get the context of what is going on that way. You need to read the Old Testament to get the full context of the New Testament.
The Old Testament is types and shadows of the New Testament. The Old Testament goes back to the beginning and tells the whole story. The New Testament is the fulfillment of God’s plans and purposes. The same approach is taken when dealing with the police or a lawyer in the investigation of a crime. They want you to go back to the beginning of the story and tell the whole thing, to gain a better understanding of the context of the situation. They need the whole story to get the full picture of what has taken place. You must go back to the Old Testament to learn about the laws as well as the promises of

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