Importance Of The Fibonacci Sequence

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Fibonacci Sequence

The Fibonacci Sequence is a sequence discovered by Leonardo of Pisa. The sequence goes as follows: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144,… Oddly enough this sequence is similar to the golden ration and has a recurrence in math of very large nature. The best of the best of our species such as Leonardo Da Vinci believe in the perfection of this sequence but why? Even sunflowers seem to be a step ahead. This why I choose this topic, who wouldn't want to know about a correlation between the Mona Lisa, math and bees? This topic also sparks my interest because it what I like about math, the beauty of math. And not complex binomial theorem which has exactly two uses ultra complex computer programming and torture. Before …show more content…

If you take two successive numbers from the Fibonacci sequence (the bigger the better) such as 233 and 377 and divided them by one another you will get a number close to the golden ratio. The golden ratio is 1.618034… and 144/ 233=1.618055556… The golden ratio is very famous for its esthetic golden spiral. Artist and architect around the world used and still do it as a way of guaranteeing a candy for the eye. And interestingly a spiral named Fibonacci’s spiral is very similar to the golden spiral. Fibonacci spiral consists of squares of the dimensions of each digit of the sequence starting from the 2nd one. These square all fit perfectly together to create this spiral. This prove further more how deep the roots of the Fibonacci sequence are angered in …show more content…

If, however, an egg was fertilized by a male, it hatches a female.
Therefore, a male bee always has one parent, and a female bee has two. If you trace the history of any male bee family, he has 1 parent, 2 grandparents (because he has laid by a female which require a male and a female), 3 great-grandparents, 5 great-great-grandparents, etc.… This sequence of numbers of parents is the Fibonacci sequence. The number of ancestors at each level, Fn, is the number of female ancestors, which is n−1, plus the number of male ancestors, which is n-2. Tadadada… The Fibonacci sequence is really everywhere. In conclusion it really is fascinating how a simple sequence can have unexplainable links to complex math and nature. Why would a bee’s family, sunflower seed, a master’s painting and the golden ratio all be linked by one sequence? I really enjoyed studying this topic because it remind us that math is not only about binomial expansion but also about the beauty of our world. This prove how complex are world is and really shows the beauty of our galaxy, because yes our galaxy follows the golden ration.

Sources: Mathisfun.“Fibonacci Sequence”. Mathisfun,

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