Importance Of Sociology In Child Protection

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Sociology is the study of society and the world we live in, it is a study of all individuals, communities and institutions. When sociology is studied, it investigates and analysis a range of different social issues for example, social behaviors, cultural differences, human behavior as a group and more prominent behavioral a society on a whole. Bhattacgerjee (2012) states the study of sociology uses a range of methods including and not limited to; qualitative and quantitative data, statistical analysis, experiments, field studies and case research. Sociology is a critical social science because it places society under scrutiny to be analyzed, and challenged. People who study sociology do so to understand the social world around them and its consistent …show more content…

Child protection is a part of society. Studying Child protection is relevant to Social workers because it guides the worker to make full concise and correct judgement when protecting children from violence, exploitation, abuse and neglect. UNICEF (2008) defines the child protection system as; a set of laws, policies, regulations and services needed across all social sectors, especially welfare, education, health, security and justice, to support prevention and respond to protection related risks. The relevant study on children and young people, who have been a victim of child abuse and neglect, provides the appropriate authorities to make decisions for the child/ren and/or young people to improve their welfare and wellbeing. Such effects on children can cause social and emotional issues, as they become adults, for example; Social isolation, unemployment, poor health, drug and alcohol abuse, lack of education and inequality. Miller-Perrin & Perrin (2007) argues the consequences of experiencing child abuse and neglect to be varying on each person. For some adults the effects are chronic and debilitating, and others have less of adverse outcomes, despite their

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