Importance Of Psychology In Social Work

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What is psychology? What is a social worker? Psychology is defined as the scientific study of behavior and mental process in humans and animals. A social worker is a person that works with people and families to support them through difficult times and ensure that vulnerable people, including children and adults are safeguarded from harm. Their role is to provide support and help to improve outcomes in people 's lives. This essay will explain the role of four psychological concepts in a social worker’s life, Stressor, Stress, personality, daily hassles What is a stressor? A stressor is stimuli that cause physiological, psychological, and emotional reactions. Social Workers tend carry a variety of inherent stressors such as untreatable, …show more content…

Stress is the response to perceived threats or challenges resulting from stimuli or events that cause strain. Social work professionals often face challenges or obstacles that may cause them to feel overwhelmed and stressed. Notably, those providing direct services, particularly behavioral health, and health care, may experience higher levels of stress because of their emotionally attenuating practice setting. Although stress can be helpful, providing a source of motivation particularly in situations where one feels like “throwing in the towel”. Social workers providing mental health services had the highest percentages related to stress resulting from working with challenging clients and from being underpaid. Stress is important to know because it is an outcome that comes from stressors, stress show and represent the way the worker is feeling it show that hard times that some must face when taken an important decision like where to place a family and how to help that person survive in the way they are living. Stress influences the daily Hassles of the social …show more content…

A social Workers Personality is normality Empathetic, patient, Dependable, organized, perceptive, and objective but most importantly Flexible and Driven. But after working in a stressed environment the personality of another is changing a person can become depressed at the job. The environment affects a Social worker self-esteem it is in, granted many feel the need to do good in order to be good other do as a form to make a living a way to make money. Those who do it because they like helping people later see it as a hassle. Their patience being to run low and they being to lose patience faster with the people and being to loss interest in what they. Knowing this prepares the Future social worker for changes of a person character that can change. In conclusion, this essay explained the role of four psychological concepts in a social worker’s life, Stressor, Stress, personality, daily hassles. This essay showed that social worker just like any career has triggers that trigger stressor that lead to the worker having stress. It explains the daily hassles of a social worker that is involved in a case, a person daily life and the struggle of their own life, and the personality changes that can occur in this felid. The personality that is built when the social worker is confronted with

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