Importance Of Pledge Of Allegiance

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Within my whole school career I have noticed one thing regarding the pledge of allegiance, in elementary school the class was in unity pledging their allegiance. Then in middle school all stand but not all repeat it aloud. Finally in high school there is a common practice of neither standing nor reciting it at all. I believe that the factors that play a role in not standing nor reciting the pledge of allegiance consist of a majority of the students being flat out lazy, uninterested in what the pledge of allegiance stands for, or just do not believe that reciting that pledge daily is necessary at all. Laziness, the quality of being unwilling to work or use energy. I believe this is simply the most important and the most influential role that young adults feel when it comes to standing up and saying a few lines and using all the strength in their being to simply hold their hands over their hearts. The pledge …show more content…

When someone tells a joke for the first time, the joke is hilarious, the second time is still funny, yet not as Much, but the third time and on the joke seems to have lost its value and is no longer funny or wanted. That is how I see the pledge of allegiance, as an overplayed joke that no one wants to hear anymore. I believe that if the pledge of allegiance was recited during a monthly ceremony with the flags presented by the color guard then it would be a very great improvement. This is my last year in school, I have been in school for thirteen long years. In each of those years there is about 180 days of schooling, give or take, that I have had to attend, every single one of those days I have recited he pledge of allegiance. That totals out to two thousand three hundred and forty times that I have recited the pledge. If you heard a joke two thousand three hundred and forty times would it still be

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