The Ecological Threat of Plastic Waste

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Have you ever wondered where plastic waste ends up? Have you ever thought about the consequences of plastic waste? What are the purposes of plastic? Although plastic is good for convenient uses, long term uses, and economic purposes, the damages plastic can cause are by far way more harmful than imaginable. Plastic is wasted just as much, if not more, than used, plastic is an imminent threat to the water life ecosystem, and plastic is also not biodegradable. Most people, like myself, have never really thought about where plastic ends up or how harmful products made from plastic can be if not disposed properly. Almost everything used in today’s society is made of or contains some sort of plastic. Limiting distributed plastic would not only benefit …show more content…

So dependent, that people have been blinded by their own convenience. So blinded, that people do not realize the harm and damage plastic is causing. Going to the grocery store and bagging food in plastic bags is more convenient than carrying and hoarding reusable bags. Using plastic pencils with refillable led to write and essay, is more convenient than pulling out a pencil sharpener and sharpening a number 2 wooden pencil, then having to dispose to shavings. In the book “Garbology: Our Dirty Love Affairs With Trash” author Edward Humes discusses a great deal about plastic. One message given in chapter 10 was plastic is wasted terribly. Chapter 10 of Garbology discussed a man named Andy Keller. Keller was looking for a new job after the company he worked for was bought out. One day while dumping a load of yard trash in the landfill, Keller was extremely surprised by all of the plastic, and plastic bags flying around. Keller was then at that point motivated to do something about the problem. Keller invented a new product called Chicobag. Chicobag was a reusable, drawstring, pocket-sized, grocery bag. The product he created became so astonishing, San Francisco banned plastic grocery bags in stores. Plastic is disposed into landfills, and tons of plastic is just completely

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