Importance Of Names In I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings

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There are many instances in history of words and names being powerful things. They have been used as signs of respect, or as a means to insult others. They can be sentimental, as well as inappropriate given the circumstances. Maya Angelou’s “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings” is no exception, and contains many examples of names being powerful things. Names have been used as signs of respect for hundreds of years. Soldiers would call their commanding officers Sir or Ma’am, students would add Mr. or Mrs. in front of a teacher's name, and civilians would call their king or queens my liege. In the book “I Know why the Caged Bird Sings” Marguerite and Bailey called their grandmother “Momma,” and it wasn’t because she was their actual mother, but as a sign of respect because she raised them as her own. Marguerite also tells a story about how her grandmother was called Mrs. Henderson in a courtroom, and how it filled the black community with pride to hear a white judge address a black woman as Mrs. (48). …show more content…

Punk, brat, jerk, dunce and many other words are used seemingly everyday as insults, as well as many words considered racist now. It has also always been disrespectful to call a grown up by their first name. In Maya Angelou’s “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings”, she says “Every person I knew had a hellish horror of being called out of his name” (109), meaning it can hurt emotionally and/or mentally to be called something that isn't your real name. An example is when Marguerite works for Mrs. Cullinan, she begins to call Marguerite Mary because Margaret was too long of a name (A name that also wasn’t Marguerite’s

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