Importance Of Mistake In Writing

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Writing is an art that can only be learned through repetition and practice, much like anything else a person must fail to succeed and learn from their mistakes. In writing, this means creating a first draft, reading it and understanding what was done wrong and rewriting until satisfied. You must teach them that any writing that they feel could be made better, they should never be content with. That writing, reading and rewriting what they do not find satisfactory. Can be the simplest and most effective method to improving their own writing, without the need for peer evaluation.
Methodology such as what was mentioned is also readily accepted by many writers. For example, author Susan Sontag said in her article “Write, Read, Rewrite. Repeat …show more content…

Now most would argue that mistakes in writing are simply things such as grammar errors or typos. To an experienced writer on the other hand a mistake is so much more. A mistake is not some petty error such as those, as grammar and spelling are second nature and are easy to spot and fix. Mistakes are an experience, something that can be learned from more so than any book or lecture. They represent a human element of imperfection, that there are advantages to disadvantages. To and experienced writer to define a mistake as being something so simple, is appalling. This is something that you and your students must understand, that mistakes are learning experiences. That they must be used not to feel disappointed over, but rather feel joy in the fact that you have more to learn. Writing is very much subjective as is any art form, to teach your students to produce these factory-made papers that have no passion. Simply because it is what fills the minimum requirements. That anything that falls outside of those parameters is a lost cause riddled with mistakes. Is an insult to writing as a whole. Writing mustn’t be taught as a method of conveying information. More so as a process of combining different mechanics to develop a masterpiece, the while correcting it until the writer is the one that feels

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