Importance Of Marriage Essay

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A marriage is a public declaration of love, commitment and faith that is made witness by the Church, family and friends. It is an intrinsic element to human life and provides benefits both the community and individual to the living a prosperous Christian life. A marriage usually takes place inside a Church and is an obligation for the Catholic denomination to remind the congregation of the blessed sacrament God created. The marriage ceremony is constructed on the premise that when a man and a women come together in matrimony they form a common agreement, which is described as a covenant as found in Malachi 2:14, which provides significance as it is the highest bond that is in the Bible . It is stated in the bible to be a reflection of the …show more content…

Most variants participate in an exchange of rings between the Bride and Groom to express the couple’s promise of faith to each other and the church. The wedding ceremony in christianity is considered the transformation of two single people into one whole person. The notion of community is an intrinsic element for the ceremony as the man and women profess their love for one another with the witness of the church, God and the community. The importance of marriage can be found in three different 3 reasons: It allows the followers to go forth and multiply as instructed by God in Genesis 1:28; it acts as a remedy against sin and the temptation to fornicate; and finally it successfully models the need for help and comfort in times of hardship and adversity as instructed in the Bible: “Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband.” (Ephesians 5:33). The marriage ceremony provides a symbolic expression of the sacrificial love that exists between Christ and the

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