Importance Of Luke's Gospel In The 21st Century

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Luke’s gospel is relevant in the 21st century, as shown in his historical background as well as the stories in his gospel because they relate directly to today’s life. Luke’s gospel is all about how everyone deserves the same rights, one good example of this in the 21st century is the generosity of people. From donating to charity’s or lending a helping hand, this society today has many people that are more than happy to help the less fortune. Luke had a cultivated background and was able to write in good idiomatic Greek, this made his writing and being a physician much easier. Because Luke was a physician he had a vast interest in Jesus healing the sick, even people today donate money to organisations who strive to find cures to serious ailments just like how Luke wrote about Jesus. On the other hand, this society today could be conveyed as a place where people are constantly being judged and bullied up to the point of wanting to end their lives. People don’t feel comfortable in their own skin so instead they change themselves to what they think society wants them to act and look like.
So, does Luke’s …show more content…

148 000 000 Dollars has been donated within the past 10 years this is all from people who wish to make a difference to other people’s lives. In Luke 14:1-7, Luke writes about how Jesus and others were debating whether it is okay to heal on the Sabbath. From Luke’s point of view Jesus says, “If your son or ox falls into a well, wouldn’t you pull him out right away, even on the Sabbath?” (Luke 14:5-6). This relates to todays life because even on the sabbath people in general strive to be good and help others. Lots of schools and communities strive to raise money and help support diverse types of illnesses and diseases. This would be beneficial by a lot to help organisations support research for cures to save thousands of

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