Importance Of Literacy In Frederick Douglass

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In today’s world, literacy is often something taken for granted. An illustrative example of the significance of literacy, for those who have ever questioned its importance, would be Frederick Douglass. Born a slave, Frederick Douglass’s life and written works prove just how freeing literacy is. In addition, his compelling autobiography exemplifies the horrors and hardships of being a slave. To the modern day reader, the story of Frederick Douglass may seem like an outdated, inapplicable narrative in today’s world. However, Douglass’ autobiography serves as a potent reminder of just how crucial literacy is. His story also depicts the resilience of humans in the worst of situations. The story of Frederick Douglass and his efforts to become …show more content…

“It had given me a view of my wretched condition, without the remedy,” as Douglass states (7). Education and literacy, though freeing to an extent, does not automatically guarantee freedom to slaves. Education helps the slaves to articulate their restrictions and injustices to others. However, freedom is not immediate, and the knowledge of learning this brings additional suffering to Douglass. As the slaves become aware of the prevalent injustices, they, in turn, loathe their captors. However, to escape will only meet more dangers. As Douglass realizes this, he is more and more upset and perturbed by the inequality. As painful as it can be to face the reality and truths of such injustices in our world, we must also decide what we can do, what we should do, when empowered with such knowledge. In summary, the story of Frederick Douglass and his efforts to become literate illustrate not only the importance of literacy, but also just how freeing this capability is. All too often, literacy is a capability that we take for granted. From Douglass’ autobiography, we are reminded of just how vital literacy is, and how resilient humans are when faced with adversity. This compelling narrative not only illustrates the harsh injustices in the world, but also depicts the bravery and strength of humans, as well as the determination we all possess when endeavoring towards

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