Importance Of Honesty In Negotiation

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I believe that an effective negotiation attitude is confidence with honesty. The negotiator should have a clear view of what the outcome should look like before entering in the negotiation. Every negotiation is different, so the negotiator will need some patience with good communication skills. Not every deal someone makes is going to be hard or long. Some call for different types of approaches to make it an effective negotiation. There are routine negotiations that need patience from both parties, like, family’s negotiating what they will have for diner when they go out. Having dilemma’s in either honesty or trust can make negotiations ineffective for both parties. A lot of cultures value honesty very high. So to find out someone that wanted to do business with you was lying will ruin the relationship. Just like the used car negotiations, when people lost trust in each other, they could not benefit from that relationship again. …show more content…

Without honesty it would be hard to trust someone especially if you lost money before. Even if the negotiations are routine that does not mean my approach should be. There are two common methods of an effective negotiation. A negotiator that has the skills can negotiate the two different types while understanding what kind of negotiation they are in. A bargaining is where immediate economic outcomes are desired, organizations will label a certain team members as an effective negotiator if the employees’ negotiation skills lead to consistently maximizing their share of available resources. However, a negotiation is where there is two or more parties that want to share gains for both sides and have a continuing

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