Importance Of Grit And Growth Mindset Essay

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Grit & Growth Mindset Did you know that grit and growth mindset are both the same? Well now you do. Grit is having the courage or knowledge of something you know. Growth mindset is when you understand and know your knowledge. Well with these two things they will help you achieve in academics, personal life and career. First, having grit and a growth mindset will help you in academics because having grit will push you to become more courageous in being great in any subject you have or take. Also it will help with having a growth mindset because you know that if were to fail a test you will try harder and not bring yourself down which is a fixed mindset. I believe with having grit and growth mindset you will become the best that you believe you can be and you will succeed in life. If you don’t have grit or a growth mindset you won’t become something amazing and you will think for the rest of your life that i can't do it or you will give up and you don’t want that to happen. Like Ms.Duckworth says” think about changes that are possible to make in your life”. Which leads us to personal life. …show more content…

Ms. Angela Duckworth states” grit is not just having resilience in failure but also having deep commitments that you remain loyal to”. What resilience means is to quickly recover from difficulties so basically having grit and resilience helps you with life by if you fall you get back up and do it again and again until you master it or also making sure if you had a job that you mess up with you can deal with the situation and next time come out stronger than you did before. Second, having a growth mindset; that will help because you know that you succeed more and more each time and also if you have trouble in life later on you will rise to the occasion and it will better yourself rather than beating yourself up or thinking about your past and wishing you could do it all over again. Which comes to

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