Importance Of Greek Culture

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Greek Culture and the Student Body College students can hurt themselves early on by lacking some qualities necessary to be successful in school. They can fall behind in academics, fail to socialize with their peers, or miss out on networking opportunities. Every year around eight percent of college students drop out of their respective campuses. That’s almost one in every twelve students that no longer strive towards an education. Those same students drop out because of these reasons. One way students can solve these problems and be more involved is by joining the Greek community. There are many stereotypes and negative feedback towards Greek life. Many argue that Greek life hinders on student success and distracts them from the importance …show more content…

This is what college is for, however is it meant to be done alone? College isn’t just academics all day long, it’s a whole new culture with new experiences and opportunities. College is a place meant for interaction and socializing. The definition of socialize states, to do something or talk with someone in a friendly manner. This is a process every college student, especially freshman, should endure. Although universities present many opportunities, there are many students who spend much of their time locked away in their dorm and all alone. The roommate process is made to fix that but in many cases there is not a total agreement and the bond is not comfortable and friendly like. This not only causes students, young ones, to feel uncomfortable but it starts a path of loneliness and depression. When this process is started for young college students it can lead into future psychological issues and more problems. With these type of students you will see an effect on their academic performance that is somewhat significant. According to a 2011 American College Health Association Survey, almost one third of college students reported feeling so depressed within the last 12 months that it was difficult to function and do their work. Almost half of these students surveyed reported having overwhelming anxiety and depression. Major depression increases the likelihood of substance abuse, …show more content…

During the process many college students make the slight mistake of not thinking about their futures. They think about their major and degree, but what happens after college? Many students don’t realize it, but the concept of networking and preparing yourself for the future, is vital for any career. After college there is still much work to be done for students. Many students find themselves lost and struggling after graduation. With a degree and the education, it takes real world experience to become successful in any career. In a survey of 2,001 students or recent graduate’s ages 18 to 24 year olds and 1,000 hiring managers, fewer than two in five hiring managers who had interviewed recent graduates in the past two years found them prepared for a job in their field of study. Those numbers represent today’s college students not networking properly creating a problem for later careers. There are many options for networking in both Greek life and for those who don’t choose that path. For the people debate and oppose Greek life, universities offer large programs to get students out networking. A common networking tool student’s use is the internship process. An internship is a temporary position with an emphasis on on-the-job training rather than merely employment, and it can be paid or unpaid. This gives students a real look at the workforce and reality of what it is like.

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