Importance Of Financial Literacy

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Financial Literacy Essay Financial literacy is vital to the average young adult, going into college and the working world, and in turn financial literacy should be a required course that each student should take before they leave high school. Financial literacy by definition means “the ability to understand how money works in the world: how someone manages to earn or make it, how that person manages it, how he/she invests it (turn it into more) and how that person donates it to help others.” Indeed Financial Literacy should be a required course for any student, Because of The college student needing to know how to make money, how to use that money efficiently, and the importance of spending money on certain things. Although Financial literacy …show more content…

These are the principles. And these are really scientific topics.” she is trying to get across that financial literacy is more important than any other high school class because it teaches life lessons and how to use your money and how to financially support yourself and others. This shows how the economical change in the U.S. is always changing and how to protect yourself from these global events. Overall this article really pushes for financial literacy to become a …show more content…

After College young adults are going to have to make some of the biggest decisions of their lives. They are going to have to get a job, find a place to live, and figure out how to pay off all of those massive student loans. Classes on financial literacy would benefit everyone. People would know how to properly save money, invest their money, and earn more money. All that we need to start financial literacy classes is for parents and students to push for it, provide their reasoning and make people understand that young adults are struggling without proper

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