Importance Of Event Dramaturgy

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An event is successful when the audience gives good recommendations. The main factors to reach the goal are within the cultural content, the context/place, the leadership power/political will, the relationships/gained socio capital, as well as resources and planning. All in all, it is about the unique, memorable experience. For bands for a chance the sociological thinking of norms, values, and status is essential since the event concentrates on connecting music and charity. On the one hand, it is challenging to reach the goal of sharing the message and staying „cool“. On the other hand, the question is whether the beneficiary determines the outcome. According to Anna-Sophia the most important thing is the concert itself and to hire awesome …show more content…

or bands for a chance those were the good will and the love for life music. The understanding helps to determine the design lens. The event should have the aim of achieving a development within the community where performance and dramaturgy count in to. (Carla A. Costa, The show must go on) 

„Event dramaturgy entails the extraction of shared meanings enabled by the projection and/or performance of symbolic representations in an event’s activities. Event dramaturgy is a mode of symbolic action (Goffman, 1959) that its enactment takes place through a kind of performance that exemplifies expressive and dramatic dimensions (Schechner, 2003). Turner (1969, 1974) theorized such performances as forms of rituals and social dramas that are expressed collectively through events. Thus, it can be said that the interplay of performance and event dramaturgy shapes a symbolic context in which communities validate or recreate the conditions that make up their social order.“ (Carla A. Costa, The show must go on) Applying the quote on „Bands for a chance“, the event embraced the genres of music transmission, bands, good will, students lifestyle, and a positive feeling about life and hope. The event focused and delivered cooperation, community, social benefit and social interest. A certain value system is recreated and implemented by students. All participants leave with an awareness of children cancer and the positive feeling about life and hope. It fostered the liminality and borders in society of sharing moments

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